An eat all you want barbeque outing with my besties is always fun. Crude jokes exchanged over the table. Screams of "Ouch!" because the butter would pop and crackle and sometimes sting our hands. The company is important.And most of all, the meat. No veges at a barbeque for us. And of course...Let's not forget the oversized drinks. Aaahhh... Heaven. Talipon again, anyone ?  Tomorrow, going to Times Square. Endless fun. Love.
 An eat all you want barbeque outing with my besties is always fun. Crude jokes exchanged over the table. Screams of "Ouch!" because the butter would pop and crackle and sometimes sting our hands. The company is important.And most of all, the meat. No veges at a barbeque for us. And of course...Let's not forget the oversized drinks. Aaahhh... Heaven. Talipon again, anyone ?  Tomorrow, going to Times Square. Endless fun. Love.