It's one something.In a few hours, i'll be off to Langkawi with my besties, and I still haven't packed. Yet.What to bring, what to bring? I suck at packing.Clothes - Brown Zara long pants
- ROXY army boardshorts
- ROXY black printed boardshorts
- ROXY black-and-pink boardshorts
- ROXY B black boardshorts
- ROXY pink boardshorts
- GAP polar bear tee
- dark blue Gap logo tee
- gray weird Gap tee
- pink ROXY tee
- pink and brown striped Ripcurl tee
- Undawear
- extra long pants
- huge tee for sleeping
- tights for sleeping
- two extra tees for swimming
- 1 towel
Stuff - Phone charger
- Camera charger
- Camera
- Phone
- i-Pod (charger?)
- good novel to read
- extra memory cards for cam
- shampoo
- soap
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- IC
- medicine
God help me.
It's one something.In a few hours, i'll be off to Langkawi with my besties, and I still haven't packed. Yet.What to bring, what to bring? I suck at packing.Clothes - Brown Zara long pants
- ROXY army boardshorts
- ROXY black printed boardshorts
- ROXY black-and-pink boardshorts
- ROXY B black boardshorts
- ROXY pink boardshorts
- GAP polar bear tee
- dark blue Gap logo tee
- gray weird Gap tee
- pink ROXY tee
- pink and brown striped Ripcurl tee
- Undawear
- extra long pants
- huge tee for sleeping
- tights for sleeping
- two extra tees for swimming
- 1 towel
Stuff - Phone charger
- Camera charger
- Camera
- Phone
- i-Pod (charger?)
- good novel to read
- extra memory cards for cam
- shampoo
- soap
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- IC
- medicine
God help me.