Welcome! You've stumbled upon the page of an almost-nineteen year old that's currently undergoing one of her "Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?" phases. She also happens to have a huge love for words, bright pictures and music, and constantly craves sweet, iced tea drinks. Buy her a cuppa, perhaps?
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Thursday, December 07, 2006 @ 7:37 PM
Times Square.

Went to TimesSquare with JoanTheBone, Huai, DereckAutumn, AndrewDollar, TerencePounds, KaiSin, KaPeng and AdamRinggit.

Actually, I wasn't that keen on going? Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Because there were like, a few death cases, 'cos some people fell from the rollercoaster?
I don't wanna dieeee.

We sat like, 5 rides?
For like RM25.
So not worth it.

Pictures of SushiKing later, but I didn't take a lot.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Off to watch Project Runway now!