Been studying like a madwoman.I'm only at
Chapter Two of my Human Communication textbook and
I don't remember a single thing.Okay, lets see...
Lemme try recall...
Self concept-Your self-concept, your relatively stable impressions of yourself, includes not only your perception of your physical characteristics but your judgements on who you are, have been and aspire to be. Self-concept also develops from the feedback from people around you. You evaluate yourself on the basis of how you think others perceive you.
Self .... self... self... -_- ..... Oh yea. Self-esteem.
Self esteem-one of the chief measures of self concept
-your feelings of self-worth
-..................... i neeeeeeeeeeed brains. -_-
Eeeeyerrrrrr, below my desk got like 10 mosquitoes biting my feet...
Currently talking to WeiHong.
y do u care?y don't u care? says:porn star>>> (refers to my display picture which was this..)I was bored, okay. And it was like 2am in the freaking morning, and the only thing closest to me was my phone - how many of you were still up at that time, huh? - and my camera. So I grabbed my camera. Post comin' up bout this soon lah. AND IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE IM STARRING IN PORN MOVIES OK. ITS AN INNOCENT ALL-WHITE PICTURE OF ME WRAPPED IN MY COMFY SOFT WHITE BLANKET K.
wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:IM NOTwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:*insert slap face emoticon here*wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:stoopid octopus =/wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:=Ppy do u care?y don't u care? says:wut octopus?y do u care?y don't u care? says:haha wait i send u some porn pictureswiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:i call u octopus for fun =PpwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:i call jason donkeywiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:u're octopus. :D
wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:!wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:=Ppy do u care?y don't u care? is ur broy do u care?y don't u care? says:not octopusy do u care?y don't u care? says:n i only got 3 5 legsy do u care?y don't u care? says:5 legs*wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:=PpwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:eh? 5?wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:................................................wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:OHwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:I GET IT NOWwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:SWEATwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:*insert multiple slap face emoticons here*y do u care?y don't u care? says:haha~y do u care?y don't u care? says:slow uwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:bOo =(y do u care?y don't u care? says:wait ar i send u pictures nowwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:!!!!!!!!!!y do u care?y don't u care? is sending a photo.y do u care?y don't u care? is sending a photo.*transfer completed*wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:after i post up on my blogwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:HAHAHAHAHAy do u care?y don't u care? says:ham ma de..y do u care?y don't u care? says:eh...ok osoy do u care?y don't u care? says:make me famousy do u care?y don't u care? says:hahahhawiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:=PpPpPpPwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:OKOKwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:i posting nowwiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:NYAHAHAHA *insert multiple /gg emoticons here*So here are the promised pictures... :Pp
Nothing :P
Happy anot, bro?
Anyway, on with the convo...
*insert parts of random convo here*y do u care?y don't u care? says:kk i got baTH 1STy do u care?y don't u care? says:hehey do u care?y don't u care? says:later go to meet my magoliansy do u care?y don't u care? says:mangolians*wiNnie : adam levine ;Pp says:*inserts slap face emoticon here*MANGOLIANS PULAK.
Labels: daily life, random, shameless camwhoring