Hallelujahbecause my internet finally decided to come out from wherever it was hiding for the past two hours and save me from my boredom and agony
Donkey, now I know your frustration for not coming online for a few days >.>
And mine was only for three hours -_-Was halfway talking to YouKnowI'mHotMugen and CrazyLeifang (who's all the way from Denmark and she spams ROFLs) on RO when suddenly my connex went nuts
And soon,
I followed suit
Oh snap, I think im getting the blogging bug back :D
With lesser pictures though
Getting lazier and lazier to use photoshop though I still love using it of course
*promised* WeiHong aka. Octopus like a few weeks ago that i'd put up a picture of him
Edited this picture like a few weeks ago also
Got more pictures coming up so if you don't like this one there's plenty more so don't complain kay? :D
It surprises me ... over a few months so much can change
He looks entirely different now
Probably all those eggs and the workouts ... and the new brown hair
Watched E! just now
ASTRO finally had the brains to bring the channel in (its on channel 76, folks)
Cos' I didn't read PinkIsTheNewBlog before my internet went kaput and I didn't get my daily gossip
Thanks to a mister RyanSeacrest and E!News, it happens that Mr.Ty Pennington of that "special" ending of WildHogs Extreme Makeover - Family Edition thing for the DelFuegos got BUSTED for DUI.
You might just recognize his face *here*.
Look who needs a makeover now *sniggers*
Tomorrow morning we have Mr.SantaClausIndy again for Malaysian Media Studies
Somehow he reminds me of santa, with that beard and that twirly moustache that moves whenever he speaks
And I think I have to do my self-introduction thingy
And I have absolutely NO idea what to say -_-
"My name is Winnie Loo Jia Yi and I love Cristiano Ronaldo"?
Oh, and just before I sign off for today this is
Me with AndrewDollar's aviators before we set off for MidV after SportsDay
I am the biggest dork evarrrrrrrr :D
Labels: daily life