Exam countdown : 4 more days (three for me :D ), 11 more papers to go (eight left for me :P)I can almost hear Huai going,"Screw you, woman! You dropped PHYSICS!"Now, why didn't you drop it too, hmm?You might have noticed the lack of Photoshopped (or if you think, over-Photoshopped) pictures lately. I've been too busy to actually lay a finger (or the mouse) over the Photoshop icon which is now sitting, rotting, on my computer's desktop.And.. look at my FACE! After all these days of studying... .......Kidding.. :PBut i've got eyebags like eyebags you've never seen before . (Not gonna show it to you). Admit it girls. We love camwhoring. Even Joan, who doesn't admit it. :P Cheesus.. My Photoshop skills are going kaput. Seriously need to spend the holidays regaining them. I have also made a few resolutions : 1) I will study during the holidays . 2) I will not glue my butt to the computer chair and my eyes to the computer screen 24/7. 3) I will try to blog more often (without gluing myself to the computer for a long period of time.) Well. I'm off to study. :) Sorry for such a short entry again, but it is still an entry, right? I spent about *gasps* 2 hours on this post! Entirely on this post. *Gasps again* Cheesus. I need to pick up on my blogging skills. See ya.
Exam countdown : 4 more days (three for me :D ), 11 more papers to go (eight left for me :P)I can almost hear Huai going,"Screw you, woman! You dropped PHYSICS!"Now, why didn't you drop it too, hmm?You might have noticed the lack of Photoshopped (or if you think, over-Photoshopped) pictures lately. I've been too busy to actually lay a finger (or the mouse) over the Photoshop icon which is now sitting, rotting, on my computer's desktop.And.. look at my FACE! After all these days of studying... .......Kidding.. :PBut i've got eyebags like eyebags you've never seen before . (Not gonna show it to you). Admit it girls. We love camwhoring. Even Joan, who doesn't admit it. :P Cheesus.. My Photoshop skills are going kaput. Seriously need to spend the holidays regaining them. I have also made a few resolutions : 1) I will study during the holidays . 2) I will not glue my butt to the computer chair and my eyes to the computer screen 24/7. 3) I will try to blog more often (without gluing myself to the computer for a long period of time.) Well. I'm off to study. :) Sorry for such a short entry again, but it is still an entry, right? I spent about *gasps* 2 hours on this post! Entirely on this post. *Gasps again* Cheesus. I need to pick up on my blogging skills. See ya.