I found this site : A Smiley A Day !
You can choose a smiley as you wish and post a message!!!
PLEASE HELP PROMOTE THIS SITE!! (And post your smileys daily!!)
I'll prolly be posting later tonight!
****end updates****
Yesterday, I cut my nails :( The nails I so lovingly grew, cared for for a month. The nails I escaped checks on Monday morning for. *Sigh*Mom la. Force me to cut :( Was thinking of growing it longer, Maybe to the extent that I cannot even type properly. Haha. But mom had to express her annoyance because whenever I tapped her shoulder, my nail would dig into her painfully.Oops.All my nail polish have dried up!!!!! I want O.P.I Nail Polish, but hard to find. Damn cute la this colour.  The shade is called " Holy Pink Pagoda". Even the name is cute. OO! W.A.FF.L.E.S!!!!!Can smell them cooking in the toaster already. * Runs downstairs before bro steals my share*
I found this site : A Smiley A Day !
You can choose a smiley as you wish and post a message!!!
PLEASE HELP PROMOTE THIS SITE!! (And post your smileys daily!!)
I'll prolly be posting later tonight!
****end updates****
Yesterday, I cut my nails :( The nails I so lovingly grew, cared for for a month. The nails I escaped checks on Monday morning for. *Sigh*Mom la. Force me to cut :( Was thinking of growing it longer, Maybe to the extent that I cannot even type properly. Haha. But mom had to express her annoyance because whenever I tapped her shoulder, my nail would dig into her painfully.Oops.All my nail polish have dried up!!!!! I want O.P.I Nail Polish, but hard to find. Damn cute la this colour.  The shade is called " Holy Pink Pagoda". Even the name is cute. OO! W.A.FF.L.E.S!!!!!Can smell them cooking in the toaster already. * Runs downstairs before bro steals my share*