Oh. My. Fucking. God.I just found this website dedicated to LOTR in the form of Slash Fanfiction. Of course, I don't mind slash.*especially between Legolas and Aragorn, ahem ahem, ARWEN, GET LOST!!!*But look at the slashes and who they paired Legolas with!!!!!!! I. Don't. Fucking. Believe. My. Eyes.Really. Look.  Yellow = Good / Acceptable / Tolerable Pink = HOLY FUCK!
Aragorn is of course *wink wink* tolerable.Elladan and Elrohir ( Elrond's sons ) are welcome :D BUT LEGOLAS AND ELROND?!?LEGOLAS AND SAURON, the Dark Lord Of Mordor, of all things?Doesn't he have a metal dick or something?I can't IMAGINE Legolas with a halfling.No way. He'll have to KNEEL to kiss any of them. ... FOR GOD'S SAKES. OF ALL THINGS. TREEBEARD.An Ent. I can't bear to click even to SEE WHO THE STUPID, SICK AUTHORS ARE!!!!!!Gandalf.FRODO!!!! *cough, cough, wheeze* And besides, Sam will die, because poor Mr.Frodo broke his little halfling heart. OHMYGOD.
Now the picture is in my head. Legolas. And Gimli. NONONONONONOOOOOOELDARION!?!Of all men and elves, WHY ELDARION?LEGOLAS ISN'T A PAEDOPHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fuck.I shall have nightmares. I shall.
Oh. My. Fucking. God.I just found this website dedicated to LOTR in the form of Slash Fanfiction. Of course, I don't mind slash.*especially between Legolas and Aragorn, ahem ahem, ARWEN, GET LOST!!!*But look at the slashes and who they paired Legolas with!!!!!!! I. Don't. Fucking. Believe. My. Eyes.Really. Look.  Yellow = Good / Acceptable / Tolerable Pink = HOLY FUCK!
Aragorn is of course *wink wink* tolerable.Elladan and Elrohir ( Elrond's sons ) are welcome :D BUT LEGOLAS AND ELROND?!?LEGOLAS AND SAURON, the Dark Lord Of Mordor, of all things?Doesn't he have a metal dick or something?I can't IMAGINE Legolas with a halfling.No way. He'll have to KNEEL to kiss any of them. ... FOR GOD'S SAKES. OF ALL THINGS. TREEBEARD.An Ent. I can't bear to click even to SEE WHO THE STUPID, SICK AUTHORS ARE!!!!!!Gandalf.FRODO!!!! *cough, cough, wheeze* And besides, Sam will die, because poor Mr.Frodo broke his little halfling heart. OHMYGOD.
Now the picture is in my head. Legolas. And Gimli. NONONONONONOOOOOOELDARION!?!Of all men and elves, WHY ELDARION?LEGOLAS ISN'T A PAEDOPHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fuck.I shall have nightmares. I shall.